Cue Sheet Courtesy IdahoWebSite©
Secret Love
Choreographers: Chris & Terri Cantrell (email:
960 Garnet St., Broomfield, CO 80020; Tel: 303-469-9140
Rhythm: Foxtrot RAL Phase: V Speed: 42-43 rpm
Record: Telemark 1900 (flip of Maria Elena) or Love Secrets (flip Moonlight Sonata)
Also available from choreographer
Footwork: Directions for M, W normal opposite (exceptions in parentheses)
Sequence: Introduction A A B B(1-15) End
Version 1.0 (July 10, 2000)
[1-4] Wait; Vine 4 (SCP); Double Lilt; Chair, Rec, Slip;
[1] {Wait} Wait open facing Wall trail feet free pointed to side;
QQQQ [2] {Vine 4} Thru R, sd L, behind R, sd L blending to SCP-LOD;
QQQQ [3] {Double Lilt} Thru R rising, small fwd L, thru R rising, small fwd L;
SQQ [4] {Chair, Recover, Slip} Chk thru R,, rec L, bk R trn LF CP-DLC;
Part A
[1-4] Trn LF, Hold, Zig-Zag 5;; Bk Feather; Bk Three Step;
S-QQQQQ [1-2] {Turn LF, hold, zig-zag 5} Fwd L commence LF trn,,, sd R; bk L BJO-DRC, cls R to L
trng RF, fwd L SCAR-DLW, sd & bk R trng LF BJO-DRW;
SQQ [3] {Back feather} Bk L,, bk R rt shoulder leading, bk L BJO-DRW;
SQQ [4] {Back three step} Bk R,, bk L lft shoulder leading, bk R CP-DRW;
[5-8] Trn RF, hold, Zig-Zag 5;; Op Telemark; Natl Telemark;
S-QQQQQ [5-6] {Turn R, hold, zig-zag 5} Bk L commence RF trn,,, cls R to L; fwd L SCAR-DLC, sd
R trng LF, bk L BJO-DRW, cls R to L trng RF SCAR-DLC;
SQQ [7] {Open telemark} Fwd L commence LF trn,, sd R cont trn, fwd L SCP-DLW (Bk R
comm LF trn bringing L to R no wgt,, trn LF on R heel chg wgt to L, sd & fwd R);
SQQ [8] {Natural telemark} Fwd R commence RF trn,, sd L cont trn, sd & fwd R SCAR-LOD
(Fwd L commence RF trn bringing R to L no wgt,, cls R to L cont trn, sd & bk L);
[9-12] Hover Cross End; Top Spin; Three Step; Half Natural;
QQQQ [9] {Hover cross end} Fwd L, rec R trng LF, sd & fwd L (sm sd R), fwd R BJO-DLC;
QQQQ [10] {Top spin} XLIB of R commence LF spin, bk R cont trn, sd & fwd L cont trn, fwd R
SQQ [11] {Three step} Fwd L,, fwd R heel lead, fwd L;
SQQ [12] {1/2 natural turn} Fwd R commence RF trn,, sd L across LOD, bk R CP-DRC (Bk L
comm RF trn bringing R to L no wgt,, trn RF on L heel chg wgt to R, sd & fwd L);
[13-16] Ovrspn Trn; Rt Trng Lk; Chair (W Ronde Devlpe); Bk, Q Fthr Fin;
SQQ [13] {Overspin turn} Bk L commence RF pivot,, fwd R cont trn (bk L cont trn brush R to
L), bk L CP-RLOD;
QQQQ [14] {Right turning lock} Bk R rt shoulder leading, XLIF of R cont trn, sd & bk R cont trn,
fwd L SCP-LOD;
S--(QQS) [15] {Chair (W ronde develope)} Check thru R (Check thru L, ronde LF BJO-LOD,
develope R,);
QQQQ [16] {Back, Quick Feather Finish} Rec bk L, bk R trng LF, sd & fwd L, fwd R BJO-DLC;
Repeat Part A.Secret Love
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Chris and Terri Cantrell
Secret Love
Part B
[1-4] Lft Curv 3; Bk Curv 3; Lft Curv 3; Outside Chk;
SQQ [1] {Left curving 3} Fwd L commence LF trn,, fwd R cont trn, fwd L CP-DRC;
SQQ [2] {Back curving 3} Bk R commence LF trn,, bk L cont trn, bk R CP-DLW;
SQQ [3] {Left curving 3} Fwd L commence LF trn,, fwd R cont trn, fwd L CP-DRC;
SQQ [4] {Outside check} Bk R trng LF, sd & fwd L, fwd checking R BJO-DRW;
[5-8] Dbl Bk Lilt; Fin Weave; Sl Fwd,, Rt Lnge,/Rec; Rt Lnge, Roll Slp;
QQQQ [5] {Double back lilt} Bk L rising, small bk R, bk L rising, small bk R;
QQQQ [6] {Finish weave} Bk L BJO-DRW, bk R commence LF trn, sd L, fwd R BJO-DLW;
SS& [7] {Slow forward, right lunge/recover} Slow fwd L,, flex L knee sd & slightly fwd R,/rec L trn head lft (W rt);
SQQ [8] {Right lunge, roll slip} Sd & slightly fwd R,, rec L trn body slightly RF, bk R trn LF CP-DLC;
[9-12] Mini-telespin;; Contra Chk & Switch; Slow Pivot 2;
SQQ&QQS [9-10] {Mini-telespin} Fwd L commence LF trn,, sd R cont trn, point L bk & sd with very
light pressure on inside edge of toe SCAR-RLOD/commence LF spin; Fwd L cont LF spin, draw R to L under body, cls R to L CP-DRC,; (Bk R commence LF trn bringing L to R no wgt,, cls L to R cont trn, fwd R across M/fwd L trng LF; Fwd R CP commence LF spin, draw L to R under body, cls L to R,;)
SQQ [11] {Contra check & switch} Fwd L commence upper body trn LF,, rec R commence RF trn, bk L cont RF trn CP-LOD;
SS [12] {Slow pivot 2} Fwd R trn RF ½,, bk & sd L trn RF ½ CP-LOD;
[13-16] Natural Weave;; Hvr Telemark; Slow Sd Lock;
SQQQQQQ [13-14] {Natural Weave} Fwd R commence RF trn,, sd L cont trn, bk R CP-DRW (Bk L commence RF trn bringing R to L no wgt,, cls R to L cont trn, fwd L); Bk L BJO-DRW, bk R commence LF trn, sd L, fwd R BJO-DLW;
SQQ [15] {Hover telemark} Fwd L,, fwd R rising slightly trn RF, fwd L SCP-LOD;
SQQ [16] {Slow side lock} Thru R,, sd & fwd L CP, XRIB of L CP-DLC (Thru L commence LF trn,, sd & bk R cont trn to CP, XLIF of R);
Repeat Part B (1-15)
[1] Pickup, Jete Pt.
S&S [1] {Pickup, jete point} Fwd R,/ fwd L with springing action, point R sd (Fwd L trng LF
CP,/ bk R with springing action, point L sd).