Conditions of Creativity
(Disclaimer and Copyright Permissions)

RNR Designs©, hereafter referred to as the "Company" will create for, and/or modify with the Client, web pages using HTML standards and ethics. The Company assumes no liablity whatsoever for content or misrepresentation of data submitted by the Client or the end use of that data. All pages, graphics and HTML, CSS and Java coding created by the Company, remain the sole property of the Company and are copyrighted materials. The Client is granted exclusive permission to use the pages, graphics and HTML, CSS and Java coding created by the Company for their own use. This permission is non-transferable to any other URL, domain, party, person or persons by any means, electronic or otherwise. All stated permissions may be revoked and/or cancelled at any time by the Company for any reason deamed necessary by the Company, especially plagarism. All litigation costs assumed in the breach of these Conditions of Creativity will be paid by the Client. The Company will complete all work under these Conditions of Creativity for the Client in a timely and professional way.

The Company will not create, modify, upload or download any web page and/or data that contains what the Company deems offensive and/or questionable, including materials, but not limited to materials, that include (1) information relating to the manufacture, distribution and/or use of illegal or controlled substances, (2) pornographic materials and/or references to such materials, (3) firearms for sale over the World Wide Web; plans, diagrams, photos and/or schema for explosive devices, (4) materials, articles, photographs, sound clips and/or video clips referring to or depicting civil disobedience or racial slurs, and (5) defamatory statements and/or pages that are designed to degrade individuals and/or groups of individuals. No links to pages offering such data as listed here, will be placed in the Client's page(s) by the Company.

In the event materials are submitted for creation, modification, upload or download as specified, but not limited to, the above, all work by the Company will stop and all previous balances of monies due the Company will be paid by the Client immediately. All references to the Company, including, but not limited to, the Company name, logo, reference, photographs and data will be immediately removed from the offending web page(s).

It is the intent of the Company to create, maintain and/or produce web pages to be viewed by all ages of persons without regards to age, race, socio-economic and/or religious preferences. Web pages submitted for the World Wide Web can be viewed by all individuals and groups throughout the world and ethical standards will be strictly adhered to by RNR Designs©. If the Client has questions regarding these Conditions of Creativity, please contact us directly.
